This region is populated by a huge number of class O and B and also by a couple of Wolf-Rayet stars as it used to be a strong star nursery area.
Update: on 10th of june 2020 this picture has been awarded with AAPOD2 (Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day)

Shooting Data
– HA+OIII (HOO) composition
– 26 480″ HA Light frames at -10°C / gain 120
– 57 300″ OIII Light frames at -10°C / gain 250
– 31 dark/flat/darkflat frames
– ASI 294MC pro camera
– Skywatcher AZEQ6
– Skywatcher 200/1000 PDS
Frames captured between 24/27th of May 2020 from my backyard
Bortle 8 / SQM 18.5 heavy light polluted sky
Postproduction made with PixInsight for image stacking and Photoshop/Camera raw for the color balancing and noise reduction.
HiRes on Astrobin: