Trivia: inside the image is also present a microquasar, Cygnus X-1, the first subject officially recognized as containing a black hole (it is visible as a normal bright star in the left corner of the tulip).

Shooting Data
– HA+OIII (HOO) composition
– 28 480″ HA Light frames at -10°C
– 17 480″ OIII Light frames at -10°C
– 31 dark/flat/darkflat frames
– ASI 294MC pro camera
– Skywatcher AZEQ6
– Skywatcher 200/1000 PDS
Frames captured between 01/05th of April 2020 from my backyard
Bortle 8 / SQM 18.5 heavy light polluted sky
Postproduction made with PixInsight for image stacking and Photoshop/Camera raw for the color balancing and noise reduction.
HiRes on Astrobin: